Staircase Session for Art Tech Music

Staircase Session for Art Tech Music

abstract image of two figures on an outdoor staircase

The original piece described below was minted on Cargo. It was subsequently burned in May 2021 to associate it with my Flux Art contract and reminted June 1st as part of the OpenSea collection:
Flux Art – The Early Days

Staircase Session for Art Tech Music was sold in Nifty Pride Foundation’s 2021 Charity Auction.

poster with five pieces of art and sale dates

I am told it went for 0.04 ETH which is twice my previous floor price on OpenSea but because it was part of a direct sale of a group of NFTs the price is not recorded in my blockchain history. OpenSea even removed my floor price designation and it now looks like a giveaway.

At least I helped, but the reason I spend the money to be on Ethereum’s Mainnet is to have a full record for collectors. And given this is a remind of my Genesis NFT it’s a bit frustrating.

Original Post:
This is my first officially released piece of NFT art minted for inclusion in Art Tech Music, an online event that’s part of Miami Art Week 2020. I’m excited to finally be participating in the world of cryptoart as an artist!

Staircase Session for Art Tech Music is a 1/1 edition from a larger series of works based on video stills from footage of Working Sessions’ Staircase Session.

Working Sessions is an improvisational collaboration between Jeb Bishop on trombone and myself as dancer. We conducted a series of sessions at NC State University in 2019. Filmmaker Neal Hutcheson videotaped our sessions over the course of 3 days.

I took the video of our Staircase Session and chose video stills from the Staircase Session gallery posted at Cultural Research  with which to experiment. I then ran those choices through a Playform tool resulting in numerous painterly images one of which I chose for Art Tech Music.

predominantly brown image of 2 abstract figures on stairs